University of South Florida Administrative Specialist Salaries

The average annual University of South Florida Administrative Specialist salary is $39,435.94. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Term Amount is -. This estimate is based upon 160 employees salary information.

Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
160 $39,435.94 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Deanna . Sourk $32,500.00 -
Patrice . Mclaughlin $32,252.00 -
Brigitte T Howley $31,732.00 -
Marina O Martinez $31,732.00 -
Radhika M Dang $31,500.00 -
Julie A Dehainaut $29,327.00 -
Diane A Neyland $29,055.00 -
Julie A Stann $26,334.00 -
Geetanjali S Gehi $24,191.00 -
Maura . Dejesus $20,626.00 -

Last time updated: October 2018.
