Tessa M Schulmeister

Tessa M Schulmeister is working as the Agricultural/food Scientist Ii at the University of Florida.

University University of Florida
Class Title (Code) Agricultural/food Scientist Ii (3601)

Annual Salary

Tessa M Schulmeister employee type is Salaried.

Budget Entity Position Number FTE Annual Salary
Educational & General 00013482 0.64 $23,830.00
Contracts & Grants 00013482 0.36 $13,615.00

Annual Salary is the annual amount of money paid to an employee for activities associated with a particular State Program Component. The salaries of certain employees may be funded through several different state program components.

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About the Florida State Universities Payroll Data

Payroll information source is the Florida State Universities.

Last time updated: October 2018.