Fl Dept Of Transportation Distributed Computer Systems Specialist Salaries

The average Fl Dept Of Transportation Distributed Computer Systems Specialist salary is $45,052.88. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 7 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
7 $45,052.88 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
John J Brozic $56,881.24 -
Andres Perez $52,699.92 -
Carlos Reyes $46,999.94 -
Mumtaz M Albibi $41,902.12 -
Renzo M Martinez $40,240.20 -
Tyler L Schoenfeld $38,353.90 -
Jeremiah M Gross $38,292.80 -

Last time updated: October 2018.