The average Department Of Health Public Assistance Specialist salary is $30,344.70. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 29 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
29 | $30,344.70 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Marjorie Andrene Doyley | $38,192.44 | - |
Julia Rosado | $34,877.96 | - |
Sylvia S Henderson | $33,788.82 | - |
Nancy Pattersaul | $33,504.12 | - |
Jessica Demps | $32,964.10 | - |
Debby Thompson | $32,964.10 | - |
Monique Reid | $32,964.10 | - |
Jessica Nichole Coakley | $32,451.12 | - |
Corlis D Burrowes | $32,065.54 | - |
Johanna Perez vazquez | $31,541.12 | - |
Rene Palmer | $30,845.10 | - |
Regina Tim | $30,375.54 | - |
Gracie Stovall Salter | $30,085.90 | - |
Donna Jean Baker | $30,066.40 | - |
Tamara Ivalina Robinson | $29,340.74 | - |
Jimena Beatriz Mitchell | $29,340.74 | - |
Emma I Stiles | $29,340.74 | - |
Diane T Robinson | $29,340.74 | - |
Madeline Rodriguez | $29,340.74 | - |
Marni Reichard Almaguer | $29,340.74 | - |
Marie Utah Ward | $27,940.64 | - |
Andrea Paredes | $27,940.64 | - |
Angelica Agosto medero | $27,940.64 | - |
Sofia Lorena Martinez | $27,940.64 | - |
Yvette Velazquez | $27,940.64 | - |
Janina Patrice Lewis | $27,940.64 | - |
Robert Daniel Loy | $26,540.54 | - |
Julia Lopez hernandez | $26,540.54 | - |
Marilyn Taveras | $26,540.54 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.