The average Department Of Health Health Financial Manager-ses salary is $56,509.44. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 10 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
10 | $56,509.44 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Alan Lee Portis | $81,761.16 | - |
Kenol Saint-fort | $72,867.60 | - |
Rona Traub | $64,286.82 | - |
Ashley N Mcminn | $57,179.98 | - |
Brian O Thompson | $53,999.92 | - |
John Ross N | $50,458.20 | - |
Letisha P Williams | $50,458.20 | - |
Teresa Marie Harville | $46,067.84 | - |
Sabrina L Butler | $44,507.32 | - |
Nevine A nessim Botros | $43,507.36 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.