The average Department Of Health Administrative Assistant Iii salary is $39,665.93. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 18 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
18 | $39,665.93 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Harriet Y Lewis | $55,708.38 | - |
Addia Padron | $49,317.06 | - |
Barbara J Fowler | $42,959.54 | - |
Linda Laboy | $42,170.18 | - |
Sharmane Cindy Simon | $41,400.06 | - |
Danielle Mckee | $40,900.08 | - |
Sandra Mendoza | $39,224.90 | - |
Tim J Rooney N | $38,562.16 | - |
Jillian N Morgan | $38,031.50 | - |
Rebecca D Thomas | $37,503.18 | - |
Jeana D Futrell | $37,301.68 | - |
Danielle C Harris | $36,400.26 | - |
Latoya Renee Williams | $36,400.00 | - |
Denise E Jackson | $35,901.58 | - |
Donald Jacob Scott | $35,901.58 | - |
Christal E Chambers | $35,901.58 | - |
Amanda M Richmond | $35,901.58 | - |
Thomas W Crenshaw iii | $34,501.48 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.