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- Administrative Assistant I
Department Of Health Administrative Assistant I Salaries
The average Department Of Health Administrative Assistant I salary is $32,046.46. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 135 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
135 |
$32,046.46 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Kathleen E Bruenn
$44,423.86 |
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Sebrena D Cannon
$44,357.04 |
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Ethel S Lewis
$41,550.34 |
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Marilyn D Nevado
$41,076.36 |
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Lisa B Callahan
$40,730.30 |
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Stacey L Owens
$40,146.60 |
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Charlene F Huntley
$39,534.30 |
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Deborah M Zimmermann
$39,355.94 |
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Frances Delgado
$39,336.44 |
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Diana S Mulkey
$39,177.32 |
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Racquel N Nicholson
$39,155.22 |
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Lisa A Baker
$39,037.96 |
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Miriam Roldan
$38,827.36 |
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Silvia E Rodriguez
$38,531.74 |
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Kasandra Harvey
$38,473.76 |
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Margarika A Mathieu
$38,377.82 |
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Josefa Elena Pernas
$38,308.40 |
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Antonine Alexandre
$38,235.86 |
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Yvette M Woods
$38,121.46 |
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Patricia K Conner
$37,839.88 |
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Barbara Jones Gilbert
$37,701.30 |
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Edith L Richman
$36,974.60 |
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Fontella B Hosein
$36,840.18 |
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Glenda Pullen
$36,829.00 |
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Maria Valdivia
$36,437.96 |
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Karen Deforest
$36,267.14 |
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Niyiris F Melendez
$36,197.20 |
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Claudia M Marsh
$36,069.02 |
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Karen L Montalvo
$35,940.32 |
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Teresa A Fleming
$35,775.22 |
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Nora Ivette Duley
$35,760.14 |
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Ivelisse Rivera
$35,419.28 |
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Norma M Gillespie
$35,373.52 |
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Klelia Suarez
$34,682.96 |
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Roland R Pierre
$34,668.92 |
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Wanda W Stokes
$34,513.70 |
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Ana M Nieves
$34,396.44 |
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Lisa A Almeda
$34,131.24 |
- |
Janet Mudarra
$33,900.10 |
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Yalenys Sardina
$33,781.54 |
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Tenecia Wood Mitchell
$33,770.10 |
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Christina A Smith
$33,755.28 |
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Virginia L Foley
$33,671.30 |
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Julie Dewey
$33,640.10 |
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Yvette Lewis
$33,328.62 |
- |
Teresa G Gainer
$33,105.28 |
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Tonya H Torbert
$33,047.04 |
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Diana M. Torres sanchez
$32,942.26 |
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Yoesi E Truyol soriano
$32,942.26 |
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Kassandra D Moi
$32,819.02 |
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Selina Perez
$32,800.30 |
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Elaina Ruddy
$32,368.70 |
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Artesa Marie Washington
$32,229.86 |
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Sarah Shepherd
$32,051.50 |
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Cynthia Helen Ross
$32,009.90 |
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Meshira Heggs
$31,774.08 |
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Kimberly Munoz
$31,681.26 |
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Virgia M Stephens
$31,657.60 |
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Cameron James Rivers
$31,400.20 |
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Enny M Moses
$31,400.20 |
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Monica Y Grodzinski
$31,400.20 |
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Mercedes A Williamson
$31,399.94 |
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Linda G Trammell
$31,378.62 |
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Dawn Marie Easterbrook
$31,353.66 |
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Karen M Thomas
$31,268.12 |
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Donna F Payne
$31,201.56 |
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Chelsea F Devaughn
$31,200.00 |
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Venizue Ortiz
$31,200.00 |
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Amanda L Williams
$31,097.82 |
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Abigaelle Telfort
$30,853.42 |
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Sheila S Griffis
$30,822.22 |
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Janeth M Lizano-perdomo
$30,696.12 |
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Carmen E Hancock
$30,696.12 |
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Gail M Brazdo
$30,578.08 |
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Rhonda L Pittman
$30,562.48 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.