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Department Of Corrections Warden-dc Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Warden-dc salary is $87,832.09. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 48 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
48 |
$87,832.09 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Milton R Hicks
$93,337.14 |
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Marvin W Clemmons
$89,550.50 |
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Robert E Smith jr
$89,550.50 |
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Glenn R Morris
$89,550.50 |
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Shannon T Varnes
$89,550.50 |
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John A Barfield
$89,550.50 |
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Tamera L Poynter
$89,550.50 |
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David W Maddox
$89,550.50 |
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Robert L Bryner
$89,550.50 |
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James G Coker
$89,550.50 |
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Christopher C Hodgson
$89,550.50 |
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William S Payne
$89,550.50 |
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Jose L Colon
$89,550.50 |
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Hope E Gartman
$89,550.50 |
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Barry V Reddish
$89,550.50 |
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Scott M Crews
$89,550.50 |
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Francisco J Acosta
$89,550.50 |
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John H Debell
$89,550.50 |
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Jennifer M Folsom
$89,550.24 |
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John D Willis
$89,550.24 |
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Sheila M Cumbie
$89,550.24 |
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Robin R Smith
$89,550.24 |
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Tony D Anderson
$89,550.24 |
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Steven E Wellhausen
$89,550.24 |
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Marie A Boan
$89,550.24 |
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Edward L Griffin
$89,550.24 |
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Christopher S Edelen
$88,550.54 |
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John B Godwin
$88,550.54 |
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Stephen B Rossiter
$88,550.54 |
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Glenn E Young
$88,550.54 |
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Michael L Mashburn
$88,550.54 |
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Christopher G Atkins
$85,122.96 |
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Darryl S Collins
$85,122.96 |
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Michael J Booker
$85,122.96 |
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Scott R Duvall
$85,122.96 |
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Addison W Summers
$85,122.96 |
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Shane M Baker
$85,122.96 |
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Joseph S Edwards
$85,122.96 |
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Nan A Jeffcoat
$85,122.96 |
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Travis T Lamb
$85,122.96 |
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Christopher R Brannon
$85,122.96 |
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Lars H Severson
$85,122.70 |
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Heath A. Holland
$84,123.00 |
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Robert H Conner
$84,123.00 |
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John F Kolodziej
$84,123.00 |
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Jeremy A Harris
$84,123.00 |
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Scott G May
$84,123.00 |
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Ronnie E Woodall jr
$84,123.00 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.