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- Vocational Instructor Iii - F/c
Department Of Corrections Vocational Instructor Iii - F/c Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Vocational Instructor Iii - F/c salary is $34,984.83. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 165 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
165 |
$34,984.83 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Lazaro Tosar
$44,748.08 |
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Jerry S Hatcher
$44,500.30 |
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David Michael Androlevich
$44,500.04 |
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Michael S Mchale
$44,500.04 |
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Truman M Pinkston
$44,500.04 |
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Patrick R Carter
$44,500.04 |
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Michael L Waters
$44,500.04 |
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Stanley J Young
$44,500.04 |
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John Szafranski
$44,500.04 |
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Carl F Runge, jr
$44,500.04 |
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Richard T Whitten
$44,500.04 |
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Robert V Reynolds
$44,500.04 |
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Cameron Joseph Young
$44,500.04 |
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Jerry L Howell
$44,500.04 |
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Joseph B Collins
$44,500.04 |
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Guy M Starling
$44,500.04 |
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Scott K Palmore
$43,500.08 |
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Patrick J Franklin
$43,500.08 |
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Chris Johnson
$43,500.08 |
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Donald Cookshott
$43,500.08 |
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Robert Anthony Skipper
$43,500.08 |
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John P Leshuk
$43,500.08 |
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Christopher Hurst
$43,500.08 |
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John Martin Looney
$43,500.08 |
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Jesus E Gonzalez
$43,499.82 |
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John Macleod
$43,499.82 |
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Roberto Gutierrez
$43,499.82 |
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Pablo Perez
$43,495.92 |
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Joseph E Rabon
$42,999.84 |
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Mario A Cisneros
$42,648.06 |
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Thomas E. Kelley ii
$42,500.12 |
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Dennis Mcquay
$42,400.02 |
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Juan V Nathaniel
$42,252.34 |
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Jerry R Brown
$42,000.14 |
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Aldo Robaina
$41,999.88 |
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Freeman E Mullet
$41,091.18 |
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Myron Paul Chiasson jr
$39,900.12 |
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Stanley Gray Hamilton jr
$38,400.18 |
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Sony Alfred
$38,147.98 |
- |
Jimmie L Barnes
$37,468.60 |
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Christopher Mims
$37,400.22 |
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Miguel Cruz
$37,400.22 |
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Jeffrey Arnold Brisebois
$37,400.22 |
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David L Phillips
$37,131.90 |
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Darwin Eugene Prescott
$36,400.26 |
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Michael E Dubbs
$36,400.26 |
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Daniel D Rawlings
$36,400.00 |
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Lance C Bruck
$36,400.00 |
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William Lester Burnsed
$35,400.30 |
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Cory Randal Buchanan
$35,400.30 |
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Patrick Mccalla
$34,648.12 |
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Jiwansingh Balkissoon
$34,648.12 |
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Todd Allen Knowles
$34,400.08 |
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Dewayne D Dukes
$33,924.80 |
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Michael Shawn Fortune
$33,400.12 |
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Richard Donald Dandreano
$33,400.12 |
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Michael J Pollitt jr
$33,400.12 |
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Gary Wayne Sexton jr
$33,400.12 |
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Carlos A Banasco
$33,400.12 |
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Karl L Coffey
$33,400.12 |
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Andrew S Southerland
$33,400.12 |
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Larkin F Mcdaniel
$33,400.12 |
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Mark D Salter iii
$33,400.12 |
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James William Bailey jr
$33,400.12 |
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Lewis Marvin Roberts
$33,400.12 |
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John Stanley Zack
$33,400.12 |
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Philbrook D Wilson
$33,400.12 |
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Harold Gibosse
$33,400.12 |
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Robert C Oswald
$33,400.12 |
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Jason L. Williams
$33,400.12 |
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William D Moore
$33,398.56 |
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Kevin B Pritchett
$33,096.70 |
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Gordon G Martell,jr.
$32,990.88 |
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Jeffery W Fowler
$32,970.86 |
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Terry L Owens
$32,939.14 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.