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- Staff Development Training Consultant
Department Of Corrections Staff Development Training Consultant Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Staff Development Training Consultant salary is $42,000.68. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 35 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
35 |
$42,000.68 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Joseph F Marshall
$48,560.46 |
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Milton T Brinson
$48,560.46 |
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Jerri L Hale
$47,921.12 |
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Christopher O Jordan
$45,888.18 |
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Robert S Goodrich
$44,547.62 |
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Charles C Bradford
$44,000.06 |
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Sherrice C Haddly
$43,748.12 |
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William E Engle
$43,584.32 |
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William Laursen
$42,500.12 |
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Robert Ziglar ii
$42,500.12 |
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Robert A Cowan jr.
$42,500.12 |
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John W Deese
$42,500.12 |
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Clydette Melinda Kearney
$42,500.12 |
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Hector L Lefebre
$42,500.12 |
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Kevin W Howe
$42,500.12 |
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Shannon Dale Hughes
$42,500.12 |
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John H Tatum
$42,500.12 |
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Jacob B Jackson
$42,049.54 |
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Keith E Hadden
$41,976.48 |
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Jonathon E Mims
$41,746.12 |
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Brett A Reddick
$41,400.06 |
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Destiny I Steidle
$41,400.06 |
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Roshonda Davis Ozuna
$41,253.42 |
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William C Bishop jr
$41,234.70 |
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Kyle L Hughes
$41,076.88 |
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Roderic V Stovall
$41,076.88 |
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Thomas O Staier
$40,891.76 |
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Kenneth E Tracy
$40,369.42 |
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Alicia A Murray
$39,026.78 |
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Heather-ann Boyd
$38,720.50 |
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Marion Parnell jr
$38,720.50 |
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Steven J Rich
$38,489.10 |
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Willard A Decker
$38,077.00 |
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Karen M Michael
$37,301.68 |
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Lisa Yvonne Osteen
$35,901.58 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.