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- Senior Refrigeration Mechanic
Department Of Corrections Senior Refrigeration Mechanic Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Senior Refrigeration Mechanic salary is $36,811.74. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 35 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
35 |
$36,811.74 |
- |
Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
James M Steedley
$40,000.22 |
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Chester Elgin Brinn
$40,000.22 |
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Charles Coody
$40,000.22 |
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Leonardo M Moreno
$40,000.22 |
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Jeremy Steedley
$40,000.22 |
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Daniel G. Christensen
$40,000.22 |
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Joel E p Laurenceau
$40,000.22 |
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Felix Marante
$40,000.22 |
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Donald L Mcelwain
$37,400.22 |
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Daryl S Taylor
$37,400.22 |
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Charles Edward Shipe iii
$37,400.22 |
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Volvick Merissaint
$37,400.22 |
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Erik James Bordsen
$37,400.22 |
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Timothy Mccroskey
$36,600.20 |
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Jeffery Stephen Curry
$36,521.42 |
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William D Brennan jr
$36,400.26 |
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Jimmy Patrick Young
$36,400.26 |
- |
Mark A Godfrey
$36,000.12 |
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John J Kikilidis
$36,000.12 |
- |
Yusnyel Verde vega
$36,000.12 |
- |
Mark A Crews
$36,000.12 |
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Johnny L Santerfeit
$36,000.12 |
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Joseph Earl Bacon
$36,000.12 |
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Timothy M Wilson
$36,000.12 |
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Dragan Tomicic
$36,000.12 |
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Elmer Ray Cox
$36,000.12 |
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Scott K Raines
$36,000.12 |
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Curtis Ryan Sevor
$36,000.12 |
- |
John Edward Louthan
$35,499.88 |
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Eric L Kazee
$35,400.30 |
- |
Curtis Walter Wilson
$35,400.04 |
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Douglas A Johnson
$35,383.92 |
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Darren Raburn Gibson
$35,000.16 |
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Gary Hemesath
$31,400.20 |
- |
Mark A Yon
$31,400.20 |
- |
Last time updated: October 2018.