The average Department Of Corrections Senior Personnel Manager - Ses salary is $56,326.88. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 7 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
7 | $56,326.88 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Dolores J Alcorn | $61,000.16 | - |
Stella M Harris | $56,000.10 | - |
Donna H Gay | $56,000.10 | - |
Mica G Bell | $56,000.10 | - |
Brenda L Sadberry | $55,287.44 | - |
Cherly Rodgers N | $55,000.14 | - |
Sharolyn T Wood | $55,000.14 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.