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Department Of Corrections Senior Inspector - Dc Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Senior Inspector - Dc salary is $53,432.02. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 41 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
41 |
$53,432.02 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Edgar D Glisson
$63,343.02 |
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Zacharie M Mulharan
$61,365.20 |
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Frank Lewis
$61,304.10 |
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Carrie F Ryan
$60,464.82 |
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Christopher L Mccaulley
$59,723.30 |
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Richard W Ryder
$58,296.16 |
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Dorothy Ann Stafford
$56,696.38 |
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Daniel A Gonzalez
$56,530.24 |
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Christopher E Welsh
$56,220.06 |
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Bobby A Hartwell
$55,571.88 |
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Erika Vonice Mcfarland williams
$55,499.86 |
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Kevin M Ortiz
$55,464.50 |
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Anthony A Champion
$55,260.14 |
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Mark A Garcia
$55,211.78 |
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Stacy R Fish
$53,939.86 |
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George S Montenegro
$53,939.86 |
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Laquietta De'kee Thompson
$53,459.90 |
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Earnest J Whatley
$53,360.06 |
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Allyson Skiles
$53,010.10 |
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Stacy Lynn Harris
$53,010.10 |
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John Wyatt
$52,770.12 |
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Chester A Potter
$52,650.00 |
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Rita J Hall
$52,520.00 |
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Pamela C Murphy
$52,170.04 |
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Johnny D Webb
$51,930.06 |
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Louis A Cordova
$50,960.00 |
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Jennifer J Skipper
$50,560.12 |
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Latricia H Ruiz
$50,560.12 |
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Ilsa A Hayes
$50,440.00 |
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Howard Coombs
$50,440.00 |
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Kevin W Snow
$50,360.18 |
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Robert Andrew Weeks
$50,200.02 |
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Kenneth B Futch
$50,200.02 |
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Roger Murphy
$49,960.04 |
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Justin D Bates
$49,720.06 |
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Audenia Nicole Thomas
$49,560.16 |
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Harry K Hutson ii
$49,240.10 |
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Wayne M Elrod
$49,000.12 |
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Christopher A Baty
$48,720.10 |
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Roy Long
$48,600.24 |
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Mary-kathleen Gustafson
$48,480.12 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.