The average Department Of Corrections Senior Attorney salary is $65,140.25. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 17 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
17 | $65,140.25 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Margaret L Dandelake | $81,000.14 | - |
David M De la paz | $76,000.08 | - |
Paul A Vazquez N | $76,000.08 | - |
Beverly B Brewster | $70,382.00 | - |
Sheron L Wells N | $70,000.06 | - |
Ryan G Padgett | $65,999.96 | - |
Sean Jason Anderson | $61,000.16 | - |
Graham Edward Wooden | $61,000.16 | - |
Gregory L Hill | $61,000.16 | - |
Kyle Maxfield Magee | $61,000.16 | - |
Pamela L Greene | $61,000.16 | - |
Sena Marie Lizenbee | $61,000.16 | - |
Maria S Dinkins | $61,000.16 | - |
Gayla Patrice Grant | $61,000.16 | - |
Ian Carnahan | $60,000.20 | - |
Ann Michelle Palecki N | $60,000.20 | - |
Eric Giunta N | $60,000.20 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.