Department Of Corrections Plumber Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Plumber salary is $35,033.23. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 48 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
48 $35,033.23 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Christopher J Collins N $39,976.04 -
Maikel Eddy Feriz $39,976.04 -
Fernando Casanueva $39,976.04 -
Luis M Maldonado N $39,976.04 -
Dru Scott Joslin $38,000.04 -
Stephen Leslie Price N $38,000.04 -
Eric C Fernald N $38,000.04 -
Donald F Vaske jr N $38,000.04 -
William M Ankrom N $38,000.04 -
James I Sotherden N $38,000.04 -
Jason L Jones N $38,000.04 -
Robert E Locke N $38,000.04 -
Charles W Difelice ii N $38,000.04 -
Ariel Sanchez $37,376.30 -
James E Albritton $35,400.30 -
Richard E Ratliff $35,400.30 -
Anthony Sassarone $35,400.30 -
Charles F Ambrose $35,400.30 -
Harold Alan Bullington $34,000.20 -
Michael Wayne Mcwilliams $34,000.20 -
Donald L Ladrigue jr $34,000.20 -
Delton L Sheffield N $34,000.20 -
Timothy Gerald Hysmith $34,000.20 -
Bryan Keith Norton $34,000.20 -
Phillip Thomas Denmark $34,000.20 -
William Delgado Lopez $34,000.20 -
Gary R Owens N $34,000.20 -
Brian L Pless $34,000.20 -
Zackery S Martin $34,000.20 -
Jacob Cole Underhill $34,000.20 -
James Kevin Koon $34,000.20 -
William Phillip Cochrane $34,000.20 -
Shawn B. Lee $34,000.20 -
Donald G Davis $34,000.20 -
Jerry W Bamburg N $34,000.20 -
Randall L Jesseman $34,000.20 -
Jackie D Harris $33,400.12 -
Senior Lewis iii $33,400.12 -
William Mong $33,400.12 -
Lonnie Edward Wright $33,400.12 -
David E Newhard $33,400.12 -
Milton D Oralls $33,400.12 -
Timothy G Sweet $33,400.12 -
Kyle A Cates $32,400.16 -
Matthew T. Murphy $31,400.20 -
Samuel Hodges $31,400.20 -
Ellis V Simmons $30,807.92 -
Donald R Gafford $28,900.30 -

Last time updated: October 2018.