The average Department Of Corrections Placement & Transition Specialist salary is $38,706.13. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 19 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
19 | $38,706.13 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Maria L Baird | $44,256.68 | - |
Peter J Glynn | $42,447.34 | - |
Paul Anthony Schauber jr | $41,076.88 | - |
Eric D Mccollum | $40,011.40 | - |
Sheri Lee Mcleroy | $40,000.22 | - |
Jacob P Roberts ii | $39,786.76 | - |
Denise Sneed Williams N | $39,676.78 | - |
Katherine Renee Clark | $39,561.60 | - |
Ashanti Rayshenna Wilson | $39,414.70 | - |
Olga Robinson | $39,156.52 | - |
Talena Yvette Hicks | $39,046.80 | - |
Magdala Almazor | $38,495.08 | - |
Ruane Neal Larkin | $38,161.50 | - |
Kelly Raplea Forren N | $37,616.54 | - |
Sue F Mcclellan | $37,301.68 | - |
Holley Regina Jaxon | $35,901.58 | - |
Merri B Treadway | $34,501.48 | - |
Calvin L Jones | $34,501.48 | - |
Kristin Lee Weir | $34,501.48 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.