Department Of Corrections Pharmacy Technician Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Pharmacy Technician salary is $25,844.81. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 35 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
35 $25,844.81 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Dana L Jones $33,031.18 -
Veronica B Damon $32,847.36 -
Christine M Whitely $28,139.02 -
Carol Michelle Brooks $28,049.06 -
Joy Lynn Creighton $27,379.82 -
Nancy Marie Waits $26,513.24 -
Beth Donovan $26,283.14 -
Roxanne Denise Bowers $26,283.14 -
Tina Renee Byrd $26,283.14 -
Valerie A. Mcintyre $26,283.14 -
Marilyn L Searcy $26,283.14 -
Shannon Dolan $26,283.14 -
Lana S Morris $26,283.14 -
Brettlyn J Lipford $26,283.14 -
Emily Gable $26,283.14 -
Angela J Mayo $26,283.14 -
Tracy Leigh Mixon $24,883.04 -
Jamie Lynn Liberty $24,883.04 -
Carol Marie Forsyth $24,883.04 -
Jessica Jean Malloy $24,883.04 -
Fatimah Zahraah N $24,883.04 -
Sharra Rose $24,883.04 -
Deandrea Jenkins $24,883.04 -
Malisia Marie Millar $24,883.04 -
Jodie Clawin Kiepper $24,883.04 -
Sandra Irene Watts $24,883.04 -
Sheldon Brian Dupont $24,883.04 -
Christina Ann Williams $24,883.04 -
Ralph Edward Ives $24,883.04 -
Melissa Cheryl Mcmickle $24,883.04 -
Adriana Marie Porter N $23,482.94 -
Ilisha Lashawn Green N $23,482.94 -
Christi Fellers Powell N $23,482.94 -
Christopher Alan Cox $23,482.94 -
Brandy Bethea Sapp $23,482.94 -

Last time updated: October 2018.