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Department Of Corrections Parole/probation Specialist Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Parole/probation Specialist salary is $31,402.98. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 178 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
178 |
$31,402.98 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Chonda R Baker
$43,251.52 |
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Donna L Goethel
$42,593.72 |
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Bethann L Wong
$42,289.78 |
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Melissa W Register
$41,400.06 |
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Magaline Flowers
$41,001.22 |
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Kathy L Perdue
$40,766.18 |
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Kelli L. Dominy
$38,699.70 |
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Rebecca A Naseer
$38,697.10 |
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Gwendolyn E Williams
$37,934.26 |
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Blanca E Lugo
$36,769.72 |
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Teresa L Roberts
$36,742.68 |
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Jenny S Bond
$36,395.84 |
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Patricia A Appiarius
$35,963.46 |
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Loletha M Jackson
$35,813.96 |
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Merle M Massac
$35,701.38 |
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Betsy A Fenoff
$35,681.10 |
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Marilyn Risner
$35,605.18 |
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Silvia M Brown
$35,596.60 |
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Melissa Lynn Capps
$35,288.76 |
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Sonja C Sangster
$35,056.84 |
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Brunilda Barnard
$34,935.94 |
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Judy C Thornton
$34,368.88 |
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Vicki L Paulin
$34,349.38 |
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Linda L Depoy
$34,288.02 |
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Rosa M Phillips
$33,995.26 |
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Annette H Greenwood
$33,855.12 |
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Deborah L Meyer
$33,828.86 |
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Rose M Griner
$33,627.36 |
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Patricia R Donath
$33,562.88 |
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Terri J Amick
$33,515.04 |
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Shirley A Harris
$33,515.04 |
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Trevita W Willis
$33,441.98 |
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Pamela P Hines
$33,350.72 |
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Donaida E Vergel
$32,978.14 |
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Katharine M Strickland
$32,803.94 |
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Terry L Dunlap
$32,711.38 |
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Denise E Henry
$32,711.38 |
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Patricia B Stringer
$32,711.38 |
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Barbara A Walker-coleman
$32,711.38 |
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Ivette A Ramirez
$32,711.38 |
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Shui-tsui R Chong
$32,711.38 |
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Lavern Finch
$32,711.38 |
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Virginia L Aponte
$32,711.38 |
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Marnita I Cooke
$32,711.38 |
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Patricia Joshua
$32,711.38 |
- |
Matthew W Ball
$32,492.98 |
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Tanza R Mortimer
$32,487.00 |
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Thomas W Knapp
$32,421.22 |
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Donielle M Frizziola
$32,392.10 |
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Terri L Thompson
$32,260.80 |
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Bambi A Krcmaric
$32,122.48 |
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Sharon J Ryals
$32,122.48 |
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Maria Lena Morris
$32,122.48 |
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Kathleen A Mckinney
$32,122.48 |
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Rita F Graves
$32,122.48 |
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Jacqueline Calloway
$32,122.48 |
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Candace D Russell
$32,122.48 |
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Shannon M Spratt
$32,122.48 |
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Elizabeth A Holliman
$32,015.10 |
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Marie A. Fleurime
$32,007.82 |
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Vanessa F Adams
$31,998.72 |
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Susie A Church-rhodes
$31,995.08 |
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Twila C Mcdonald
$31,995.08 |
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Cassandra C Parker
$31,995.08 |
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Donna P Scott
$31,891.08 |
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Andrea S Whitehead
$31,768.62 |
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Sabine K Weyres
$31,768.36 |
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Monique Michelle Grier
$31,764.72 |
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Wanda L Blair
$31,596.50 |
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Tonya Yvette Way
$31,516.16 |
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Kathy D Adams
$31,464.94 |
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Cynthia D Smith
$31,442.58 |
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Virgie A Gazzola
$31,442.58 |
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Martha A Jones
$31,442.58 |
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Marlene Smith
$31,442.58 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.