The average Department Of Corrections Operations Review Specialist salary is $54,175.62. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 13 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
13 | $54,175.62 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Gloria Kay Moyer | $64,415.26 | - |
Julie A Bowman | $62,600.20 | - |
Condelia Ward | $60,000.20 | - |
Erika Krystle Roberts | $55,999.84 | - |
Roshanda A Colebrook-laguerre | $52,248.04 | - |
Martha H Evans | $52,019.24 | - |
Sarah R Mcdonald | $51,000.04 | - |
Kristy K. Restall | $51,000.04 | - |
Ladesha Kishon Hargrove | $51,000.04 | - |
Katyana Louinis | $51,000.04 | - |
Edward J Millender | $51,000.04 | - |
Maleah R Reed | $51,000.04 | - |
Bonnie Lakaye Lawson | $51,000.04 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.