Department Of Corrections Operations & Mgmt Consultant Mgr - Ses Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Operations & Mgmt Consultant Mgr - Ses salary is $60,848.44. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 22 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
22 $60,848.44 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Jennifer F Bridges $77,000.04 -
Evelyn D Garst $69,000.10 -
Cecil D Jenkins $67,609.88 -
Scotti P Vaughan $65,999.96 -
Lisa A Stokes $65,999.96 -
Orma L Stambaugh $62,973.82 -
John G Bryant $62,600.46 -
Kristine L Dougherty $62,495.94 -
Lori D Nolting $62,495.94 -
Jana M Friedman $62,495.94 -
Robert S Griffin $62,438.22 -
Sue W Early $61,000.16 -
Amy P Wigglesworth $61,000.16 -
Patricia Lee Perkins $61,000.16 -
Fran P Rowls $61,000.16 -
Jerry Brown $58,000.02 -
Anna E Schubarth $57,000.06 -
Robert S Melgaard $57,000.06 -
Diterolonda S Kelly $54,299.96 -
Suzanne A Land $51,000.04 -
Deborah Barron $51,000.04 -
Addison J Preseau $45,254.56 -

Last time updated: October 2018.