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- Master Electrician
Department Of Corrections Master Electrician Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Master Electrician salary is $37,126.69. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 32 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
32 |
$37,126.69 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Charles Wayne Beserock
$43,500.08 |
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Hansell E Bruce,iii
$42,000.14 |
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Raymond B Ryall
$40,000.22 |
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Paul T Morton,jr
$40,000.22 |
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Eric Michael Peterson
$40,000.22 |
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Ronald E Wilson
$40,000.22 |
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Jason A Larkin
$40,000.22 |
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Don Alan Flora
$40,000.22 |
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Miguel Diaz izquierdo
$39,376.22 |
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Philip James Doughney jr
$37,400.22 |
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James Michael Cochrane jr
$37,400.22 |
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Markus Smith
$37,400.22 |
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Eli Colorado
$37,400.22 |
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Richard Cruz
$37,400.22 |
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Daniel A Price
$36,400.00 |
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Aldo Massardi
$36,376.08 |
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Joshua W Fink
$36,000.12 |
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Rickie Dewayne Holley
$36,000.12 |
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Lance E Billy
$36,000.12 |
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Frederick W Robar
$36,000.12 |
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Hugh B Byrne
$36,000.12 |
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Charles A Morse
$36,000.12 |
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Jonap Singson
$36,000.12 |
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Thomas Alan Coleman
$36,000.12 |
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Chris H Hogan
$36,000.12 |
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Earl E Ketring
$36,000.12 |
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Alain Figueroa
$35,976.20 |
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Nathan Joe Rhoden
$35,400.30 |
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John D Fuller
$34,400.34 |
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Willard Edgar Peters jr
$34,220.94 |
- |
Brandon Lee Richardson
$32,000.02 |
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Richard Allen Stafford jr
$31,400.20 |
- |
Last time updated: October 2018.