Department Of Corrections Maintenance Mechanic - F/c Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Maintenance Mechanic - F/c salary is $30,977.41. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 33 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
33 $30,977.41 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Michael Talley $33,400.12 -
William Sanchez $31,976.10 -
Rodolfo Monsivais $31,976.10 -
Julio Carlos Capote rodriguez $31,976.10 -
Donald Lee Wallace $31,921.76 -
John Alongis $31,400.20 -
William A Wisner iii $31,400.20 -
John Wesley Cook $31,400.20 -
Shannon Lynn Kelley garcia $31,400.20 -
Albert H Davis $31,400.20 -
Aubrey Wayne Blackwell $31,400.20 -
Richard Mcarthur $31,400.20 -
John B. Hall $31,400.20 -
Paul D. Pope $31,400.20 -
Robin Dannison $31,400.20 -
Garrett E Manning $31,400.20 -
Jeffery C Gardner $31,400.20 -
George M Brock $31,400.20 -
Richard M Gordon $31,400.20 -
William M Phillips $31,400.20 -
Charles Lester Hilliard jr $30,000.10 -
James Roger Preast $30,000.10 -
Charles G Bailey $30,000.10 -
Porfirio Solano $30,000.10 -
Cody Lee Garvey N $30,000.10 -
David J Trainor N $30,000.10 -
Eugene F Burke $30,000.10 -
Anthony James Neswick N $30,000.10 -
Jacob Daniel Church $30,000.10 -
Michael W Archer $30,000.10 -
Travis L Hoschar N $30,000.10 -
Richard Scott Bailey $30,000.10 -
John C Tylutki $30,000.10 -

Last time updated: October 2018.