Department Of Corrections Government Operations Consultant I Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Government Operations Consultant I salary is $37,882.89. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 19 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
19 $37,882.89 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Veronica F Wold $43,018.04 -
Donald I Hartsfield jr $43,018.04 -
Hyacinth White $42,841.50 -
Kimberly B Pierce $41,451.54 -
Donna M Beard $40,300.00 -
Miriam Sanders-walker $39,026.78 -
Catherine A Duah $38,906.66 -
Honey F Ringley $38,186.46 -
Loren Dyke $37,301.68 -
Michele R Jenkins $37,229.66 -
Teri Lynette Richardson $37,149.58 -
Sandra A Harrison $35,901.58 -
Emerald Battle $35,901.58 -
Gail B Kapitulnik $35,901.58 -
Alexis P Capps $35,634.30 -
Teresa L Walters $34,501.48 -
Ronald D Reagan, jr N $34,501.48 -
Kerry L Vickery $34,501.48 -
Millicent Paige Proenza $34,501.48 -

Last time updated: October 2018.