Department Of Corrections General Services Specialist - Ses Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections General Services Specialist - Ses salary is $38,098.57. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 43 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
43 $38,098.57 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Juan L Alvarez $45,324.50 -
Destiny D Sistrunk $44,588.44 -
David Morris $41,400.06 -
Lynn B Driggers $41,400.06 -
Mercedes M Benedit $41,124.72 -
Rudy E Fletcher $40,933.10 -
Sarah D Card N $40,473.94 -
Jose D Lugo sanchez $40,386.84 -
Karen L Collins $39,026.78 -
Becky Kent $39,026.78 -
Jeanne L Driggers $39,026.78 -
Corene G Brown $39,026.78 -
Billy H Martin $39,026.78 -
Kristin Marie Gavin $39,026.78 -
Maria L Gonzalez $39,026.78 -
Nona C Bullard $39,026.78 -
Lauri A Martin $38,186.46 -
Marvin W Gibson $38,186.46 -
Jami L Cochran $37,698.18 -
Candy M Cone $37,639.94 -
Betty G Gainous $37,639.94 -
Teresa C Kisamore $37,626.68 -
Brenda H Phillips $37,589.24 -
Cathy F Harvey $37,469.90 -
Russell Mcalpin $37,301.68 -
Priscilla A Thomas $37,301.68 -
Dorothy J Chambers $37,301.68 -
Russell Edward Stephens $37,301.68 -
David Mcrae Henderson $36,850.32 -
Deborah E Bevis $36,144.94 -
Tacita N Walker $35,901.58 -
Tina M Gronik $35,901.58 -
Carol D Morgan $35,901.58 -
Dawn M Kapinski $35,901.58 -
Kimberly B Kenealy $35,901.58 -
Shela Ruth Messer $35,901.58 -
Martha K Kilgo $35,901.58 -
Tammie S Bindley $35,901.58 -
Patrick Eric Pitts $35,901.58 -
Susan M Kelley $35,901.58 -
Kimberly G Barnett $35,901.58 -
Latonia M Mcgill $35,901.58 -
Elizette Hernandez $35,334.78 -

Last time updated: October 2018.