Department Of Corrections Electronic Technician Ii Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Electronic Technician Ii salary is $37,030.82. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 37 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
37 $37,030.82 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Victor Antonio Ramirez ventura $41,976.22 -
Philip Phan $41,000.18 -
Joseph F Frycek $40,000.22 -
Darrin Dannison $40,000.22 -
William R Mahoney jr $40,000.22 -
Alfred Alexander jr. N $40,000.22 -
Daniel Ivey $40,000.22 -
Cody A Pevehouse N $40,000.22 -
Michael G Hedges N $40,000.22 -
Stanley T. Epling ii $40,000.22 -
John Amaral $40,000.22 -
Gurkaran Singh N $40,000.22 -
Rui Chi $37,976.12 -
Jose Antonio Lachiondo $37,976.12 -
Mitchell S Stein $37,400.22 -
Albert R. Fougere $37,400.22 -
David Holcomb $37,400.22 -
Nicholas Raymond Korbel $36,000.12 -
Randall A Griffis jr $36,000.12 -
Randal Anthony Lai awa $36,000.12 -
Gregory Davis Hendry $36,000.12 -
Robert J Polk $36,000.12 -
Randy James Moody N $36,000.12 -
Samuel D Smith $36,000.12 -
Billy J Grantham jr $36,000.12 -
Richard Cruz-magenst $36,000.12 -
Channing Rigdon Dobbs $36,000.12 -
Shawn Miner $36,000.12 -
Edward P Hunley $36,000.12 -
Gregory Bryan Douglass $35,400.30 -
Gregory C Walker $35,400.30 -
Vladimir Moskalenko $34,000.20 -
Stephen O Salzwedel $34,000.20 -
Adam Michael Hulion $33,406.10 -
Larry Joe Levins $32,000.02 -
Mark Barnett $31,400.20 -
Emory James Philman $31,400.20 -

Last time updated: October 2018.