The average Department Of Corrections Education Supervisor Ii-ses salary is $50,740.07. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 20 employees salary information.
Employees | Average Salary | Average OPS Hourly Rate |
20 | $50,740.07 | - |
Name | Salary | OPS Hourly Rate |
Cathy D Tapley | $52,800.28 | - |
David Burton Bond | $51,000.04 | - |
Judith R Lee | $51,000.04 | - |
Mary P Bowers | $51,000.04 | - |
Gloria L Myers | $51,000.04 | - |
Jerry M. Register | $51,000.04 | - |
Kimberly Ellen Dugger | $51,000.04 | - |
Barbara P Bell-francis | $51,000.04 | - |
Katherine Sue Layton | $51,000.04 | - |
Duane W Booth | $51,000.04 | - |
Julie Taber Whiteacre | $51,000.04 | - |
Vickie Renee Caile | $51,000.04 | - |
Dena Lee Phelps | $51,000.04 | - |
Antonio Carlisle | $50,000.08 | - |
Christine Taff | $50,000.08 | - |
Racquel Almethia Lipscomb | $50,000.08 | - |
Elizabeth Dobelstein Clary | $50,000.08 | - |
Laura Jill Bailey | $50,000.08 | - |
Janis Marie Simmes-reimer N | $50,000.08 | - |
Raymon R Kidd | $50,000.08 | - |
Last time updated: October 2018.