Department Of Corrections Distributed Computer Systems Admin - Ses Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Distributed Computer Systems Admin - Ses salary is $52,442.28. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 12 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
12 $52,442.28 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
David A Edwards $52,783.12 -
David Hamilton $52,783.12 -
Leonard J Clark $52,783.12 -
Joseph Davis $52,783.12 -
Alan M Edwards $52,783.12 -
David W Novak $52,591.50 -
Janet M Ellsworth $52,150.02 -
Neil Clements $52,150.02 -
Joseph H Scanlan $52,150.02 -
Charles C Dicus iv $52,150.02 -
Sheila R Whitman $52,150.02 -
Lakeram Persaud $52,050.18 -

Last time updated: October 2018.