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- Correctional Services Asst Consultant
Department Of Corrections Correctional Services Asst Consultant Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Correctional Services Asst Consultant salary is $40,155.33. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 40 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
40 |
$40,155.33 |
- |
Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Cedric H Sneed
$50,686.22 |
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Kelly E Ruggles
$48,288.76 |
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Kimberly Michelle Smith
$47,823.10 |
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Norman A Cochran jr
$47,473.40 |
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Robbi L Snipes
$46,273.50 |
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Christopher D Hawkins
$45,504.94 |
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Janice D Britt
$43,875.00 |
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Sherri D Spitler
$42,400.02 |
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Tamara T Fountain
$42,251.56 |
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Malinda A Graham
$42,251.56 |
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Tiffany Lafaye Robinson
$42,243.50 |
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Kristi Jenine Cobb
$42,185.52 |
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Kenneth M Toole jr
$42,086.98 |
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Shaquria Trinette Evans
$41,400.06 |
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Katherine Scott Fowler
$41,076.88 |
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Heather Carol Wells
$41,076.88 |
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Susan J Hamby
$40,503.58 |
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Sarah Laughton
$39,994.24 |
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Tiffany Leigh Southerland
$39,491.92 |
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Judith L Harrison
$39,248.04 |
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Janise N Patterson
$39,247.00 |
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Brenda D Harris
$39,026.78 |
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Linda K Santana
$39,026.78 |
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Charles O Williams
$39,026.78 |
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Patricia P Powell
$39,023.92 |
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Agnes V Ellis
$38,894.18 |
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Polly Hardy-smith
$37,883.56 |
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Reda F Hall
$37,477.18 |
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Ramona L Cox-pye
$37,301.68 |
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Juanita M Crumity
$37,301.68 |
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Melissa M Millette
$37,301.68 |
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Deeann Hensley
$36,954.06 |
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Vickie Lynn Sturgill
$35,901.58 |
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Sarah R Chapel
$35,901.58 |
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Natasha Strong
$35,901.58 |
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Avrial D Keaton
$35,901.58 |
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Michael Lance Green ii
$34,501.48 |
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Shantel Joiaire Sloan-el
$34,501.48 |
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Katrina Latrice Woods
$34,501.48 |
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Stephanie Carter
$34,501.48 |
- |
Last time updated: October 2018.