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- Correctional Probation Specialist
Department Of Corrections Correctional Probation Specialist Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Correctional Probation Specialist salary is $46,289.55. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 337 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
337 |
$46,289.55 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Thomas D Sharrard
$64,275.12 |
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Randall P Deshong
$61,975.16 |
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Lisa H Vaughan
$56,510.74 |
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Janet L Worsham
$56,103.58 |
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Lou E Bland
$56,066.14 |
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Patrick W Masters
$55,993.60 |
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Cleveland C Porter
$55,273.66 |
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Tinal Hicks
$54,776.02 |
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Cassandra B Rivera
$54,517.58 |
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Jack H Tabb
$54,126.80 |
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Maury R Smith
$53,652.04 |
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Linda M Mazzella-pacheco
$53,652.04 |
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Dave L North
$53,652.04 |
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Carl R Gundrum jr
$53,597.18 |
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Ann M White
$53,384.50 |
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Nikeya R Hill
$53,374.36 |
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Cheryl A Blyth
$52,728.52 |
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John P Nowicki
$52,468.52 |
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Pauline Deshommes
$52,464.36 |
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David W Coons
$52,393.64 |
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Sandra Friedman
$52,393.64 |
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Lisa W White
$52,393.64 |
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Jacqueline F Bridges
$52,288.60 |
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Allison V. Davis
$51,712.18 |
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Melissa A Spencer
$51,503.40 |
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Stephen L Steinmeyer
$51,231.96 |
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Bernita Cox
$51,179.96 |
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Leon Webb
$51,179.96 |
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Thomas P Maroudis
$51,103.52 |
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Denyse N Sotolongo
$51,103.52 |
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Brandt C Edwards
$51,103.52 |
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Pilar Elizabeth Poligo
$51,101.96 |
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Valerie Maddox
$51,028.64 |
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Hope R Defrietas
$51,028.64 |
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Lucinda H Lawrence
$50,996.14 |
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Delille Edoizin
$50,912.16 |
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William R Luttman
$50,909.04 |
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Tressa M Edwards
$50,694.80 |
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Nancy O Johansen
$50,379.94 |
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Steven J Skidmore
$50,379.94 |
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Robert G Barto
$50,192.48 |
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Linda L Roddenbery
$50,133.72 |
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Mauricio Lam
$49,954.84 |
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Barry R Marr
$49,954.84 |
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Roosevelt Young jr
$49,952.50 |
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Luis S Trinidad
$49,952.50 |
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Fredericka D Roberts
$49,952.50 |
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Courtney L Mcneil
$49,952.50 |
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Norman C Snipes
$49,952.24 |
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Kenneth Woulard
$49,815.74 |
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Vernon E Lewis jr
$49,803.52 |
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Federico G Berges jr
$49,747.10 |
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Russell N Robbins
$49,408.06 |
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Renatta K Mcqueen
$49,248.68 |
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Robin S Wehle
$49,160.02 |
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Liana R Wold
$49,160.02 |
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Ivan W Tucker
$49,083.58 |
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Michael S Klein
$49,008.70 |
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Rena M Lane
$49,000.64 |
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Gregory S Strauss
$48,918.74 |
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Niles C Graben
$48,912.50 |
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Wayne T Retherford
$48,848.28 |
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Michaela J Shelton
$48,847.50 |
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Steven M Robbins
$48,843.60 |
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Kathy B Ferguson
$48,768.72 |
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Kimberly H Schultz
$48,760.66 |
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Wilmer A Golden
$48,680.06 |
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Leona E Massey
$48,652.50 |
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Patricia D Myers
$48,652.50 |
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Mario D Ditroia
$48,652.50 |
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Theresa D Dukes
$48,603.62 |
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Jeffrey W Johnson
$48,603.62 |
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Robert B Knott
$48,603.62 |
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Sylvia Martin-leath
$48,579.96 |
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Audree Webb
$48,579.96 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.