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- Correctional Probation Senior Supervisor
Department Of Corrections Correctional Probation Senior Supervisor Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Correctional Probation Senior Supervisor salary is $55,188.25. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 100 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
100 |
$55,188.25 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Pamela J Poleszak
$73,375.38 |
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Deborah J Ridgway-harrison
$73,135.40 |
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Regina Ashwood-baker
$70,875.48 |
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Robert M Hinson
$70,710.64 |
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Arthur V Thomas jr
$70,635.50 |
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Bettie E Barret
$69,354.74 |
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Darci J Coons
$67,759.64 |
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Lisa W Mynard
$66,087.06 |
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Leona P Crumbley
$65,847.08 |
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Robin L Bryant
$61,242.48 |
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Robert J Audette
$61,171.50 |
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Kimlynn Y Cohen
$59,847.06 |
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Edward J Genewick, ii
$58,839.04 |
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Charles H Preston
$58,419.40 |
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Richard A Bonkowski jr
$58,382.48 |
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Stanley N Carter
$57,864.82 |
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Clyde F Keels jr
$57,618.60 |
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Mary-alice K Surowiec
$57,509.66 |
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Denise A Felix
$57,482.62 |
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Sherri L West
$57,087.94 |
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Temeka Spradley Reed
$57,007.34 |
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Donald J Edens
$56,847.96 |
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Edward D Rufus
$56,481.36 |
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Sonya L Fryar
$56,418.70 |
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Sergi V Franks
$56,212.52 |
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Brenda L Powe
$56,178.72 |
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William D Allen jr
$56,156.62 |
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Mark P Wild
$56,147.26 |
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James R Mcmillian
$55,991.26 |
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Sherley A Hairston
$55,982.16 |
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Sharon W Edmonds
$55,967.60 |
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Erica L Lawson
$55,838.90 |
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Richard A Gordon
$55,763.76 |
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Maryellen F Stewart
$55,567.72 |
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Frances St. hilaire
$55,523.52 |
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Dawn W Dinatale
$55,204.24 |
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Mark G Strach
$54,902.90 |
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Lisa S Wright
$54,820.48 |
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Jeffrey A King
$54,800.72 |
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Lesley B Mckinney
$54,795.52 |
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Faith Y Brown
$54,787.98 |
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Marcos W Soria
$54,738.06 |
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Darlene V Rentz
$54,738.06 |
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Mary A Ferrell
$54,655.64 |
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Brenda A Scavella everett
$54,592.72 |
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Ruth D Benjamin
$54,563.86 |
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William D Sapp
$54,479.62 |
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Jon S Landress
$54,404.48 |
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Lawrence T Kampert
$54,398.50 |
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Virginia K Keating
$54,342.86 |
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Glen T Harris
$54,342.60 |
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Christine A King
$54,323.88 |
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Samuel A Flynn
$54,323.62 |
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John R Shephard
$53,746.68 |
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Donald W Parrish
$53,467.70 |
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Alice M Flowers
$53,438.06 |
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Randy J Windham
$53,362.92 |
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Douglas H Daniel
$53,302.86 |
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Manuel D Correa
$53,282.32 |
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Jennifer J Luke
$53,130.22 |
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Paul A Stevens
$53,027.26 |
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Andrea Y Allen
$52,886.08 |
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Susan M Williamson
$52,882.96 |
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Terry L Carlton
$52,562.38 |
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Michael K Presnell
$52,344.24 |
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Sharon M Oliver
$52,163.02 |
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Lawana J Gervin
$52,118.30 |
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Michael W White
$52,065.52 |
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Warren A Noyes
$52,043.42 |
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Manley E Jaquiss
$52,036.40 |
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Carolyn E Upshaw
$51,923.04 |
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Shelia S Jackson
$51,923.04 |
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Israel Branton iii
$51,923.04 |
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Elizabeth S Klein
$51,923.04 |
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Robert D Kemp
$51,923.04 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.