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- Correctional Officer Lieutenant
Department Of Corrections Correctional Officer Lieutenant Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Correctional Officer Lieutenant salary is $43,180.97. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 485 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
485 |
$43,180.97 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
Sheila W Harvey
$62,662.86 |
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Ronald A Terrell
$55,632.98 |
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Diane Mckenzie
$52,297.18 |
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Patricia B Hickman
$50,703.12 |
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Luvenia H Lightbourne
$50,532.30 |
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Robert N Olson
$50,419.20 |
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Willie L Garner
$49,753.60 |
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Charles M Peel jr
$49,506.60 |
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Rickey Jernigan
$48,829.04 |
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Sharese Y Bostic
$48,757.80 |
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Solangel Roque
$48,738.30 |
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Theresa C Storey
$48,683.18 |
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Willie D Bryant
$48,576.06 |
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Krystal Lateace Holmes
$48,469.72 |
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Peter J Brown
$48,384.96 |
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Martin C Sanders
$48,199.32 |
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Nathan R Blom
$47,960.12 |
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Sharon A Williams
$47,889.14 |
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Roy J Mckelton
$47,797.88 |
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Debra M Elmore
$47,194.16 |
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Donovan L Weeks
$47,184.28 |
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Hilbert Lewis
$47,088.34 |
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Victor T Sakay
$47,088.34 |
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Curly J Pittman
$47,084.18 |
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Angelique L Hamric
$47,037.12 |
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Barry G Graham
$47,029.32 |
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Victoria L Smith
$47,029.06 |
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Charles C Conlee
$47,007.48 |
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Richard Groover jr
$47,007.48 |
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William Walter Furlow iii
$47,000.46 |
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Robert C Brannon
$46,887.36 |
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Michael J Kendall
$46,767.50 |
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Dennis J Cauwenberghs
$46,694.44 |
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Jonathan D Johnson
$46,588.36 |
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Tina T Morgan
$46,534.80 |
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Shane H Semmes
$46,524.14 |
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Charlie L Glenn
$46,524.14 |
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Keith B Shine
$46,524.14 |
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Sherri A Chancy
$46,524.14 |
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Charlotte D Pryor
$46,524.14 |
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Rex E Barr
$46,524.14 |
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Evelyn R Spikes
$46,523.88 |
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Ronald E Jackson
$46,518.68 |
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Steven M Larsen
$46,498.14 |
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James R Whitehead jr
$46,498.14 |
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Edward C Kilgore
$46,401.68 |
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Darryl G O'bryan
$46,287.54 |
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Bruce A Smith
$46,284.16 |
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Kathy D Bowers
$46,258.16 |
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Eric W Mason
$46,257.38 |
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Brandon Derek Strong
$46,199.92 |
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Scott P Stewart
$46,179.12 |
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Robert Robins jr
$46,154.68 |
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Corey M Settlemires
$46,153.64 |
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Latrice D Simon
$46,119.84 |
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Cedric M Madry
$46,119.84 |
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David W Phillips
$46,103.46 |
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Jeffery S Twombly
$46,097.48 |
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Peter A Reyes
$46,085.52 |
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James N Beem jr
$46,069.14 |
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Michael O Salter
$46,047.56 |
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John E Wilson
$46,044.18 |
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Abner A Bowen
$46,044.18 |
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Roger D Bennett
$46,043.14 |
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Jesse B Whiddon ii
$46,016.88 |
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Gregory K Raybon
$45,994.26 |
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James S Daugherty
$45,993.74 |
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Sidney E Young jr
$45,943.04 |
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Sabrina Linton Cox
$45,810.44 |
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Mathena J Carbone
$45,765.98 |
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Gregory D Alvarez
$45,765.98 |
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Edward A Kimbril
$45,765.98 |
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Paul K Donaldson
$45,754.28 |
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Jeffrey R Ragans
$45,754.28 |
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Steven D Lashley
$45,744.40 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.