Department Of Corrections Construction Projects Consultant I Salaries

The average Department Of Corrections Construction Projects Consultant I salary is $41,071.66. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 15 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
15 $41,071.66 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Nelson Rodriguez jr N $49,176.14 -
Marty D Howell $47,200.14 -
Adam Smith Wisenbaker $47,200.14 -
Brandon L Willingham $46,750.34 -
Dennis L Wyatt $45,999.72 -
Alan R. Morse $41,140.32 -
Russell W Hart $39,639.34 -
Terry R Richards $39,576.16 -
Bryan K Burnett $38,941.76 -
Robert R Robertson jr $37,840.40 -
Rodney A Tyus $36,740.08 -
Stasi W Mckenzie $36,467.60 -
Matthew K Bullock N $36,467.60 -
Diane D Hage $36,467.60 -
Robert W Strickland $36,467.60 -

Last time updated: October 2018.