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Department Of Corrections Assistant Warden-dc Salaries
The average Department Of Corrections Assistant Warden-dc salary is $74,046.50. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 103 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
103 |
$74,046.50 |
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Browse Salaries by Employee
Name |
Salary |
OPS Hourly Rate |
D elizabeth Mallard
$81,380.00 |
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James R Ryans
$75,380.24 |
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Edward D Watson
$75,380.24 |
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Derek L Snider
$75,380.24 |
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Pamela A Grice
$75,380.24 |
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Jimmy L Love jr
$75,380.24 |
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Kara R Williams
$75,380.24 |
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Stephanie A Crawford
$75,380.24 |
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Micha M Neal
$75,380.24 |
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Scott E Stewart
$75,380.24 |
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Dalphus A Johnson
$75,380.24 |
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William G Malloy iii
$75,380.24 |
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Ronnie C Segers
$75,380.24 |
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Tommy D Dicks
$75,380.24 |
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Tony R Knight
$75,380.24 |
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Lori B Norwood
$75,380.24 |
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Robert M Surles jr
$75,380.24 |
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Leona J Collins
$75,380.24 |
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Cynthia L Henry-davis
$75,380.24 |
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Javier F Jones
$75,380.24 |
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Jeffrey R Mcclellan
$75,380.24 |
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James M Blackwood
$75,380.24 |
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Ronda T Flowers
$75,380.24 |
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John R Holtz jr
$75,380.24 |
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Christopher E Lane
$75,380.24 |
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Leslee L Pippin
$75,380.24 |
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Winfred B Warren
$75,380.24 |
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Jeffrey M Smith
$75,380.24 |
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Mitchell D Brown
$75,380.24 |
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Terry D Lollie
$75,380.24 |
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Stacie L Ponder
$75,380.24 |
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Christopher M Sapp
$75,380.24 |
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Jonathan P Hutchins
$75,380.24 |
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Paul A Kish
$75,380.24 |
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Matthew B Sumner
$75,380.24 |
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Tifani S. Knox
$75,380.24 |
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Michael F Pabis jr
$75,380.24 |
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James E Taylor
$75,380.24 |
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David A Colon
$75,380.24 |
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Charles R Henson
$75,380.24 |
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Cynthia S Courtney
$75,379.98 |
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Jerry R Kelley ii
$75,379.98 |
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Lloyd W Burke
$75,379.98 |
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Djuna L Poole
$75,379.98 |
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Carol B Casimir
$75,379.98 |
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Glenn E Hancock jr
$75,379.98 |
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Frances J Wood
$75,379.98 |
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Steve T Roddenberry
$75,379.98 |
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Mario Jose Corrales jr
$75,379.98 |
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James S White
$75,379.98 |
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Walter F Mock
$75,379.98 |
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Jennifer A Haas
$75,379.98 |
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Julia E Maynor
$75,379.98 |
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Joseph A Shuler
$75,379.98 |
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Gillian L Woodard
$75,379.98 |
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Roger D Mccracken
$75,379.98 |
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Alonzo Horner
$75,379.98 |
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Randall L Polk
$75,379.98 |
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Paul W Allen
$74,380.28 |
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Marshall D Herring
$74,380.28 |
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Dale R Hughes
$74,380.28 |
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Ronald A Schmitt
$74,380.28 |
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Jason M King
$74,380.28 |
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Sara A Zamora-baldridge
$74,380.28 |
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Kendra L Prisk
$74,380.28 |
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Eddie L Jones
$74,380.28 |
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John A Siter
$74,380.28 |
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Amy S Frizzell
$74,380.28 |
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Timothy W Mills
$71,885.84 |
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Mark L Crawford
$71,885.84 |
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Thomas W Hester
$71,885.84 |
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Shelley M Bearden
$71,885.84 |
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Shellie M Baker
$71,885.58 |
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Timothy J Hoey
$71,885.58 |
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Ann E Casey
$71,885.58 |
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Last time updated: October 2018.