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Agency For State Technology Salaries
The average Agency For State Technology salary is $62,787.11. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 184 employees salary information.
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
184 |
$62,787.11 |
- |
Top 10 Highest Paid Agency For State Technology Employees
Rank |
Name |
Class |
Salary |
1 |
Eric M Larson
Executive Director/cio-ast |
$130,999.96 |
2 |
Robert C Thompson
Chief Operations Officer - Ast |
$121,000.10 |
3 |
Burt John Walsh
Chief Data Officer - Ast |
$120,000.14 |
4 |
Curtis Unruh
Deputy Director Of Information Systems |
$120,000.14 |
5 |
Anthony B Miller
General Counsel - Ast |
$115,000.08 |
6 |
Thomas Vaughn
Chief Information Security Officer - Ast |
$111,100.08 |
7 |
Ekaterina Fitos
Geographic Information Officer |
$110,000.02 |
8 |
Susan B Whitmire
Information Systems & Services Admin |
$108,108.78 |
9 |
Brian J Abbondanza
System Project Consultant |
$102,333.40 |
10 |
Brandon C. Tedder
Chief Of Production System Services-ses |
$100,859.98 |
Browse Salaries by Class
Class |
Employees |
Average Salary |
Average OPS Hourly Rate |
Accountant Iii |
1 |
$43,340.18 |
- |
Administrative Assistant Ii |
1 |
$37,430.12 |
- |
Administrative Assistant Iii |
1 |
$45,100.12 |
- |
Administrative Assistant Iii - Ses |
2 |
$52,947.57 |
- |
Automated Scheduling Software Specialist |
3 |
$44,765.85 |
- |
Chief Data Officer - Ast |
1 |
$120,000.14 |
- |
Chief Information Security Officer - Ast |
1 |
$111,100.08 |
- |
Chief Of Data Center Services |
1 |
$100,000.16 |
- |
Chief Of Production System Services-ses |
3 |
$100,854.00 |
- |
Chief Operations Officer - Ast |
1 |
$121,000.10 |
- |
Computer Operations Supervisor - Ses |
5 |
$42,829.80 |
- |
Data Base Analyst |
2 |
$52,184.99 |
- |
Data Processing Administrator - Ses |
1 |
$55,000.14 |
- |
Distributed Computer Systems Analyst |
4 |
$40,646.45 |
- |
Distributed Computer Systems Analyst Ii |
17 |
$51,942.33 |
- |
Distributed Computer Systems Consultant |
18 |
$65,113.43 |
- |
Distributed Computer Systems Specialist |
1 |
$42,400.02 |
- |
Electrician |
2 |
$41,400.06 |
- |
Executive Director/cio-ast |
1 |
$130,999.96 |
- |
Facilities Management Administrator |
1 |
$70,352.10 |
- |
Facilities Services Consultant |
1 |
$30,988.62 |
- |
General Counsel - Ast |
1 |
$115,000.08 |
- |
Government Analyst Ii |
2 |
$67,050.10 |
- |
Government Operations Consultant I |
1 |
$50,000.08 |
- |
Government Operations Consultant Ii |
10 |
$54,047.63 |
- |
Government Operations Consultant Iii |
4 |
$68,682.19 |
- |
Human Resource Officer |
1 |
$89,663.08 |
- |
Information Security Manager |
1 |
$81,000.14 |
- |
Information Systems & Services Admin |
1 |
$108,108.78 |
- |
Inspector General - Ast |
1 |
$93,500.16 |
- |
Manager, Business Systems Support |
1 |
$100,000.16 |
- |
N/a |
5 |
- |
- |
Network Systems Administrator - Ses |
1 |
$70,352.10 |
- |
Office Automation Analyst |
10 |
$42,974.23 |
- |
Office Automation Specialist I |
2 |
$33,908.03 |
- |
Office Automation Specialist Ii |
12 |
$39,315.42 |
- |
Professional Accountant Specialist |
1 |
$56,100.20 |
- |
Project Manager |
2 |
$84,700.07 |
- |
Property Consultant |
1 |
$45,000.02 |
- |
Research And Planning Administrator |
1 |
$78,280.02 |
- |
Senior Data Base Analyst |
7 |
$69,251.89 |
- |
Senior Info Tech Business Consultant |
2 |
$84,925.10 |
- |
Senior Info Tech Business Consultant-ses |
1 |
$79,605.24 |
- |
Senior Management Analyst Ii - Ses |
4 |
$82,961.13 |
- |
Senior Management Analyst Supv - Ses |
1 |
$86,047.78 |
- |
Senior Network Systems Analyst |
3 |
$62,165.05 |
- |
Senior Professional Accountant |
1 |
$44,662.28 |
- |
Staff Assistant - Ses |
1 |
$31,944.12 |
- |
Strategic Planning Coordinator |
6 |
$88,253.53 |
- |
System Project Consultant |
5 |
$73,542.61 |
- |
Systems Programmer I |
3 |
$41,500.16 |
- |
Systems Programmer Ii |
3 |
$48,688.64 |
- |
Systems Programmer Iii |
9 |
$73,806.92 |
- |
Systems Programming Administrator - Ses |
9 |
$83,040.42 |
- |
Systems Project Administrator - Ses |
2 |
$79,409.33 |
- |
Telecommunications Specialist Ii |
1 |
$40,948.18 |
- |
Last time updated: October 2018.